Customer Testimonials
" BugTrapper is an extraordinary tool ensuring the quality of our products already in their early development stages. BugTrapper has helped many times when multi-threaded applications indicated synchronization problems. Especially helpful is the opportunity to debug our target system during release build and therefore saving us a lot of time. "

—Dieter Quehl
Software Development
Siemens Medical

" You have a wonderful product. BugTrapper should be on the shelf of every developer."

— Danny Shummer
Development Manager
Magic Software Enterprises

" I recently spent hours trying to find a very 'sneaky' bug using the debugger without success. I used BugTrapper, and after a few minutes I understood what the problem was and fixed it. GREAT tool!"

— Meni Hillel
Senior Software Engineer
Mercury Interactive Corporation

" BugTrapper looks like the tracing tool of my dreams. Great for finding hard problems and it looks superior to a debugger for many easy problems, too. For our class of software—multiprocess, multithread message passing—its clearly a superior product."
— Bill Ricker,
Development Engineer
Avicenna Systems Corporation
" It's painful to remember beta testing before we used BugTrapper. Now I can see the exact flow leading up to the bug. We save time and money for our customers and for us. Way cool!"

— Ted Bardusch
R&D Manager Tools & Products
MAJIQ Systems & Software, Inc.

"Mutek's black box flight recorder technology has been instrumental in identifying and eliminating the most difficult of bugs. International users often cannot accurately describe the problem due to language difficulties. The black box allowed us to see what was happening when the problem occurred without the need for a written or verbal description. It also helps us to isolate intermittent bugs and those that caused a crash outside the application, which would otherwise be irreproducible."

— Malcolm Graham
Technical Support Manager
Cross Products Ltd..

" I expect Mutek's BugTrapper to help my team deliver the highest quality code efficiently. We tested BugTrapper with Microsoft® Word and BugTrapper traced its execution without any modifications to winword.exe. BugTrapper allows us to record and debug problems that are encountered outside our developers' offices. Reproducing each problem on a developer's machine won't be required, nor will hands-on debugging on the system demonstrating the problem, saving substantial time and money."

— Mike Kelly
Lead Software Engineer Office Group
Microsoft Corporation



"BugTrapper is an exceptionally useful tool that belongs alongside other tools such as Purify and BoundsChecker. It is the first I have come across that really addresses the problem users face when they know there is a problem but cannot explain the exact sequence of events that causes it."
by Tim Anderson

"One of the most significant [development tools] to come to light in the past year. This tool simplifies troubleshooting and debugging acting like an airplane's black box. That is, unobtrusively keeps a record of how and when bugs occur, so a designer no longer needs to try to reproduce their occurrence by mimicking the users actions and the state of the system when they first occurred. The tool is being widely adopted even by Microsoft and is being added to test suites like those from Mercury Interactive Ltd., Sunnyvale, Calif."

by Richard Comerford

"Last month I talked about Microsoft's upcoming Visual Studio .NET development system and waxed lyrical about the fact that - considering this is only alpha code - it was looking stable. Perhaps this is because of the software giant's early adoption of the excellent BugTrapper bug detection utility, available from Let's hope we continue to benefit from more reliable software tools and applications as a result of this new liaison."

by Dave Jewell

"Mutek BugTrapper saves a lot of time and trauma when you're trying to track down elusive bugs. It has a good developer environment, and is simple enough for even the most non-technical users to be able to obtain something for you to analyze. Its uses aren't limited to remote analysis - it makes local bug trapping a lot easier too."…. "A worthwhile purchase."

by Alex Denham

"No more expensive on-site visits to customers, no more time-consuming reproduction attempts on your development machines, no more costly shipments of debug builds to customers, no more inefficient code instrumentation in the release bug and no more complicated remote debugging over the phone at so-much a minute."

by Martin Szugat
Mutek Solutions, Mutek Solutions logo, BugTrapper and the BugTrapper logo are trademarks
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their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. ©1997-2000 all rights reserved to Mutek Solutions Ltd